Authorizations ("Machtigingen")

A “machtiging” is an authorization letter issued by the SZV confirming that we will cover certain costs made by a ZV or OZR insured, person receiving AVBZ-care at a specialist. You can obtain a “machtiging” for:

  • Paramedical care (speech therapist, dietician, psychologist, physical and occupational therapist)
  • Prescriptions
  • Regular use of medical aids (“hulpmiddelen”)
  • Regular use of prosthetics (“kunstmiddelen”)
  • Regular use of district nursing (“wijkverpleging”) AVBZ
  • Regular use of hearing aids AVBZ 


ZV and OZR Insured, persons receiving AVBZ-care


  • Physical and occupational therapist:
    The authorizations for physical and occupational therapists are handled through your family doctor and therapist directly with SZV (through the web portal).
  • Medical aids:
    The authorization for (regular use) medic aids must be obtained through SZV. You have to come to the medical desks with your authorization request to have it processed.
  • Prosthetics:
    If a specialist has prescribed your (regular use) prosthetics you can go directly to the distributor. The distributor will communicate with SZV directly to arrange for payment.
  • District nursing:
    For district nursing assistance based on a request from your family doctor, you can go directly to the district nursing facility. They will do an assessment and communicate with SZV directly what your needs are.
  • Hearing aids:
    For (regular use) hearing aids authorization you must present yourself at SZV with an audiogram. Your request will be processed within 2 weeks after which we will call and let you know the outcome. If approved, you can go directly to the vendor.

What to bring

  • Your Insurance Card
  • The original referral letter of your family doctor
  • The original prescription by your family doctor or specialist (if applicable)
  • An audiogram (if applicable



Social & Health Insurances SZV © 2024